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Friday, October 23, 2009
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Create a Ride 2
Select a car and modify it using the arrows on the right.
How to play Create a Ride 2:
Use the mouse to play this game.
Category: Racing & Pimp My Ride
Create a Ride 2
Pilih mobil dan memodifikasi dengan menggunakan panah di sebelah kanan.
Cara bermain Buat Ride 2:
Gunakan mouse untuk memainkan permainan ini.
Kategori: Balapan & Pimp My Ride
Coupe Vision Tuning
Design your dream is coupe.
How to play Coupe Vision Tuning:
Pull the parts on the car with your mouse.
Category: Racing> Pimp My Ride
Desainlah mimpi anda yaitu mobil tertutup berpintu dua.
Cara bermain Coupe Vision Tuning:
Tariklah bagian-bagian pada mobil dengan mouse anda.
Kategori: Balapan > Pimp My Ride
Monday, October 19, 2009
Customize Your Ride
Choose your car and decorate it by replacing the parts you liked.
How to play Customize Your Ride:
Use the mouse to play this game
Category: Racing> Pimp My Ride
Customize Your Ride
Pilih mobil anda dan menghiasinya dengan mengganti bagian-bagiannya sesuka anda.
Cara bermain Customize Your Ride :
Pergunakan mouse untuk memainkan permainan ini
Kategori: Balapan > Pimp My Ride
Tuning 4 Dates
What kind of car was created to contain it?
How to play Tuning 4 Dates:
Click on the girl of your choice and read the personal data to create the perfect car for him. Click once again to go to the local screen, where you can choose and change the car by clicking the arrow on the menu to the left. Choose music that is at the top and specific model options in the menu to the right. When the car was ready, click Start Now. Hold to speed up your girl before he lost patience, and then check the results of the assessment change your car. If he likes it, then you can go to impress other girls.
Category: Racing & Pimp My Ride
Tuning 4 Dates
Mobil jenis apakah yang diciptakan untuk menahannya?
Cara bermain Tuning 4 Dates:
Klik pada gadis pilihan anda dan bacalah data-data pribadinya untuk menciptakan mobil yang sempurna untuknya. Klik sekali lagi untuk masuk ke layar setem, dimana anda bisa memilih dan merubah mobil dengan mengklik tanda panah yang ada di menu ke sebelah kiri. Pilihlah musik yang berada di bagian atas dan pilihan model yang spesifik di bagian menu ke sebelah kanan. Saat mobilnya telah siap, klik Mulai Sekarang. Tahan untuk mempercepat gadis anda sebelum dia kehilangan kesabaran, dan kemudian periksalah penilaian mobil hasil perubahan anda. Jika dia menyukainya, maka anda bisa lanjut untuk mengesankan gadis yang lain.
Kategori: Balapan > Pimp My Ride
Monday, October 12, 2009
Are you an excellent billiards player? Could you about these shots?
How to play Snooker:
Click, hold and drag the mouse to select the direction and strength of each shot
Category: Sports; Football pool
Spin Kicker
Spin Kicker
Spin KickerAssessment:
You have 3 minutes to score as many goals as possible!
How to play Spin Kicker:
Use the mouse to play this game!
Category: Sports> Football
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Street Racer
Choose your car, be the fastest and win the race.
How to play Street Racer:
Arrow key up = accelerate
Arrow key down = slow down
Arrow key left = turn left
Arrow key right = turn right
Space bar = handbrake
Ctrl = change view
Shift = nitro
P = pause
Z = toggle sound
Category: Racing> City Racing
Braap Racing
You've got to beat the clock and the other racers to score well!
How to play Braap Racing:
Use the arrow keys and Spacebar to play this game!
Category: Racing> Motor Racing
Wheelie Car
Wheelie Car
Wheelie Car
control your car from starting point until the final line in a limited time
How to play Wheelie Car:
Arrow key left = back to back
Arrow key right = move forward
Arrow top speed
Arrow down = brake
Category: Racing> Stunt Driving
Wheelie Car
Setirlah mobil anda dari titik permulaan sampai garis final dalam waktu terbatas
Cara bermain Wheelie Car:
Panah kiri = mundur ke belakang
Panah kanan = maju ke depan
Panah atas = kecepatan
Panah bawah = rem
Kategori: Balapan > Ketangkasan Mengendarai
RedLynx Trials 2
RedLynx Trials 2
RedLynx Trials 2
Disepeda balance your motorcycle to pass a street full of complicated obstacles
How to play RedLynx Trials 2:
Use a combination of the arrow keys to play this game.
Category: Racing> Stunt Driving
RedLynx Trials 2
Tetap seimbang disepeda motor anda untuk lewati jalan yang penuh rintangan rumit
Cara bermain RedLynx Trials 2:
Pergunakan kombinasi tombol tanda panah untuk memainkan permainan ini.
Kategori: Balapan; Ketangkasan Mengendarai
Speed Soccer
Speed Soccer
Speed Soccer
Assessment:Play football 1 on 1. Run, kick, stop & aim the ball!
How to play Speed Soccer:
Use the mouse to play this game.
Category: Sports> Football
Play football 1 on 1. Run, kick, stop & aim the ball!
Cara bermain Speed Soccer:
Use the mouse to play this game.
The Champions 2 Euro 08
The Champions 2 Euro 08
Euro Championships approaching if your team has what must be owned.
How to play The Champions 2 Euro 08:
Arrows = Move X = C = Passing Shot
Category: Sports> Football
The Champions 2 Euro 08
Kejuaraan Euro hampir tiba jika tim anda memiliki apa yang harus dimiliki.
Cara bermain The Champions 2 Euro 08:
Tombol tanda panah = Bergerak X = Melewati C = Menembak
Kategori: Olahraga; Sepak Bola
Overhead Kick Game
Overhead Kick Game
If you get a score, it will look amazing, if you lose your score, it will look stupid
How to play Overhead Kick Game:
Mouse = Directing & Shooting
Organize your time to kick perfectly to score.
Category: Sports> Football
Overhead Kick Game
Jika anda mendapatkan skor, maka akan terlihat mengagumkan-jika anda kehilangan skor, maka akan terlihat bodoh
Cara bermain Overhead Kick Game:
Mouse = Mengarahkan & Menembak
Atur waktu untuk tendangan anda secara sempurna untuk mencetak gol.
Kategori: Olahraga > Sepak Bola
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Choose the 8-ball or Straight Pool game, pocket your balls and win!
How to play Billards:
Mouse = aim and shoot
Category: Sports> Football pool
Choose the 8-ball or Straight Pool game, pocket your balls and win!
Cara bermain Billards:
Mouse = aim and shoot
Kategori: Olahraga > Bola sodok
Penalty Fever
Penalty Fever
Penalty Fever
With penalty kicks, you do not you get a second chance .... No pressure!
How to play Penalty Fever:
Recipient penalty:
Click first = Start shooting and the direction that is intended to meet the goals.
Click the second = true direction and firepower.
Pay attention to the red dot appears on the right before the shot, and quickly click on the place where it is located.
Category: Sports> Football
Dengan tendangan pinalti, anda tidak anda mendapatkan kesempatan kedua....Tidak ada tekanan!
Cara bermain Penalty Fever:
Penerima pinalti:
Klik pertama = Mulai menembak dan arah yang dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi gol.
Klik kedua = Arah yang sebenarnya dan kekuatan tembakan.
Penjaga gawang:
Berikan perhatian pada titik merah yang muncul di bagian kanan sebelum tembakan, dan klik dengan cepat pada tempat dimana dia berada.
Kategori: Olahraga > Sepak Bola
Office Mini-Golf
Office Mini-Golf
Office Mini-Golf
After working all day, everything started to look like a lesson putt-putt! (Bring your friends.)
How to play Office Mini-Golf:
Choose to play alone or with 4 players. Click and pull your ball to direct and regulate the power of your punch. Enter your balls with a minimum number of strokes possible.
Category: Sports> Golf
Setelah kerja sepanjang hari, segalanya mulai kelihatan seperti pelajaran putt-putt! (Bawalah teman anda.)
Cara bermain Office Mini-Golf:
Pilihlah untuk bermain sendiri atau dengan 4 orang pemain. Klik dan tariklah bola anda untuk mengarahkan dan mengatur kekuatan pukulan anda. Masukkan bola anda dengan jumlah pukulan yang sesedikit mungkin.
Kategori: Olahraga > Golf
Bike Master
Bike Master
Bike Master
An another bites the dust!
How to play Bike Master:
Arrow Left / Right = Leaning forward / backward
Arrow Up / Down = Speed / Turn
Enter = Play a round
Category: Racing> Racing climbing
Bike Master
Sebuah gigitan debu yang lain!
Cara bermain Bike Master:
Panah Kiri/Kanan = Miring ke depan/ke belakang
Panah Atas/Bawah = Mempercepat/Balik
Enter = Memutar di sekeliling
Kategori: Balapan; Balapan mendaki
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