Spin Master Games$15.17 HedBanz Game Spin Master Games Spice up your family game night with the Hedbanz Board Game, a fun, fast-paced, and simple question game that everyone aged 6 and up can enjoy. In a group of two to six players, you'll draw an identity card for an animal, food, or common object but with one catch--everyone but you will see the card, displayed by the headband on your forehead. The goal is to deduce who or what you are by asking the players questions before the clock runs out.
- Get ready for the award winning, goofy guessing game of "What am I?" with Hedbanz
- Kids use their heads in more ways than one while asking yes or no questions to figure out if the cartoon on their head
- Be the first player to guess what you are and win
- Hedbanz the game where everybody knows by you
- Comes with everything kids need for non-stop fun Including Hedbanz rule sheet, 74 cards, 24 chips, 6 headbands, and sand-clock timer.
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